Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DI- Week 1

DI- Week 1

It has been one week today that I started working at the DI, it has kept me busy to say the least. I was hired as a pricer in production this means that I price little items, like dishes, pictures frames, children's games and toys, belts, dinnerware and a bunch of other stuff. I have now in less then a week been trained in all of the sections in my area. There is sorting, pricing, and tagging. Sorting is where we take things that people have donated and put them into a tote. They then go down on an assembly line thing to the pricer, who decides how much each individual item will cost. The pricer takes the item from one tote and puts them in the corresponding tote that they have priced it at. Then we push it through another huge assembly line thing and on the other side of that the tagger puts a sticker on it of the corresponding price that the pricer has chosen. The tagger then puts 100 or 200 hundred items on a cart, and then gives it to the workers on the floor who put the items away. I like working at the DI, it has in the last week given me some good items how I can better other peoples lives in order to help them, and also tips like how to do a resume, cover letter and other such things like that. I work 5 days a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and am currently working 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day. My co-workers are also really cool especially Markki! :D PAYDAY Friday!!!!

The Outside of the DI building.

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Layton, Utah, United States
My name is Shannon. I am currently 19 years old. I was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin, and moved to Layton, Utah a little over a month ago. I really like it here and have been able to meet and make friends with some really nice people. I never thought a month ago when I was given the opportunity to move that it would be something i'd love but Utah has been shown that it is amazing and that I could see myself living here the rest of my life. I will be attending Brigham Young University in Idaho this January and studying family and consumer sciences. I plan on graduating in 2015. I am a very unique person in the fact that I learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ from the missionaries and the neighbor I lived with next door to me in Wisconsin. I learned about the blessings of the sacred gospel and how it can bless lives. I got baptized and found that heavenly father after my baptism blessed me with numerous things including, moving to Utah, a job at the Deseret Industries and the fact that I was accepted into Brigham Young University.
