Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hatch Visit

Spencer and I
"This is my all time favorite picture,
none can compare to this amazing photo"
Spencer is one of the most amazing kids I've ever met.
It was fun seeing the Hatch Family 6 weeks after I moved to Utah, they came to Utah for a wedding and they spent 2 nights at my house. While they were here Caleb and Kevin got birthday presents from me (Caleb getting legos, a GIANT RED jewel, a lego book, a star wars guy and a couple other things while Kevin got a soccer ball and soccer socks. While they were here Caleb accidentally broke his leg... Here is hoping that his leg heals and recovers soon.. Kim got to meet my friend Markki, and I got to have one of my favorite talks with Kim... those ones that you cant have with your own mother but that you are so grateful that you can have with another grown-up that you respect. Kimberly- I've known from the moment that I met you that there was something wonderful about you. But I never knew that first day when I met you that you would change my life, my direction and the desires inside my heart. You have became the person in this world that I feel closest to (second to Heavenly Father). I am so grateful for the change that you've given to my life, and for the example of obidence and prayer you've shown to me. You've shown me that the power of the Holy Ghost is an amazing thing and the wonderful blessings that you receive once you begin to follow the promptings that are placed in front of you. I can't wait till that time in 4 years when I will be graduating from BYU-Idaho and you will hopefully be there in the audience watching me.

Justify Full

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Brecklyn's a cutie!!!

Brecklyn is ready for our walk!! :D

Her swimming suit was super adorable.
She went hot tubbing...

I love you Brecklyn

Brecklyn on Easter in her new dress! =)

Tiffany and Brecklyn... <3>

Brecklyn is an adorable little girl, she is amazing and I absolutely love her!!! Her smile is so sweet and innocent and brightens my day. Since I've been living in Utah I've been able to see Brecklyn on many different days including a fun day at an amusement park type place, Easter, a family cookout and today at Jimmy's birthday party.


I have a big support system from Wisconsin to California to Utah... There are lot of wonderful family members and friends who are as close as a family member in my life. They've one way or another made me the person that I am today, and I am so thankful for the contributions that they've had in my life.

Aunt Kath, Aunt Becca & I

Aunt Kath

I really didn't know my Aunt Kath that much when I was growing up, she lived in California while I lived in Wisconsin... When they came to Wisconsin to visit they really didn't stay long enough for me to get to know them that well. I always knew in my heart that I wanted to hang a really strong relationship, and that I really wanted one thing for a graduation present. That was the opportunity to be able to go out to California and spend some time with my aunt, uncle and twin cousins. After graduation, my Aunt Kath sent me a package in the mail. It was my graduation present. Inside was a box of chocolate, body spray and a medium sized circle box. I shook the box, but was very interested that nothing made noise. So, I decided to open it. I began reading a letter which was inside this box, and tears began to fill my eyes. My hopes and dreams to be able to go on a plane to see my aunt, uncle and cousins had come true... It was the best present that I have ever received. While in California I began to develop a stronger and closer relationship with my aunt, uncle and both of my twin cousins. It was touching for the fact that my grandparents had both passed away months earlier and I knew that me becoming closer would hopefully bring my family stronger. Aunt Kath- I don't think you know that I have a blog but if for some reason you read this I was you to know that I am so grateful still for the wonderful graduation present that you and Uncle Rick gave to me. Seeing the difference that it had from Wisconsin was so eye-opening, and I kind of believe that was one of the reasons that I decided to move to Utah. I need to spread my wings and become the person that I want to become. Learn from my mistakes while having some fun doing it. I know that things may get rough at times, but I am strong and know that I have wonderful family that love and support me through no matter what I decide to do.

Aunt Becca-
I don't know where to begin to describe how thankful I am for the relationship that I ed me... I don't think that I would have been able to do it if you wouldn't have stepped into my lifhave with you. You are such an amazing blessing in my life. Being able to talk to you when I was a teenager growing up and all of the hardships that I've had to go through, helpe, like you did... I know that if something is wrong or bothering me, that you'll always be there to talk to me and to support me through it, and your love and guidance means so much to me. You are like my second mother, thats how I feel.. That I have a confident and strong mother/daughter type relationship.. I love it and I love you and your entire family... :D

May 16, 2010

Relaxing on a Sunday, and being glad that I didn't have to work and could spend time with the family...

I was super happy, my records from my old Ward in Wisconsin where read, and I am now a member of the Layton Heritage Ward.. I was also able to go to the Kaysville Heritage Young Single Adult Ward with my besties Markki and Mindy :D... We were also celebrating that I have been working at the Deseret Industries (DI) for a month on the 14th of May, and we also tied it in as my celebration to moving to Layton 6 weeks late... But who ever says that you have to celebrate on time... lol I don't!!

A photo of Grandma, cutting up the onions for the yummy cheesy broccoli soup that Papa makes..

He was happy to be in his Sunday attire with his chef apron on. Photo by Jimmy...


Jimmy was very excited that Papa was making bread sticks. They are very popular throughout the whole entire Elggren Family...

Jimmy. :) I'm going to quote him at church, he was sitting on my lap... Jimmy: "Shannon your nice" Shannon: "Thank You Jimmy, your nice too!

My beautiful cutting the cucumbers job...


Today is going to be one of the greatest Tuesdays that I've ever had. first off I have the day off of work. Yes I really do enjoy going to work and working with all of my fun co-workers but I am very excited that the Hatch Family is coming to Utah and that I will be able to get to see them. They are coming for Bro. Hatches brothers wedding but will be staying where I live for 2 nights, at least thats what I believe. It feels like forever since the last time that I have seen them. I used to live right next door to them in Wisconsin but I moved to Utah 6 weeks ago. So it has been a big adjustment to not see them everyday but I am excited to see them again... and I'm sure that they will be excited to see me to. Specially since I have presents for them... :D Shh!!! If you see this don't tell them because they haven't gotten here yet and so have no clue. I love the Hatch family they are such a blessing in my life.. There is not a day that I don't wake up and think about the things that they have done for me in my life.. It's so amazing how much one individual can bless your life. But either way the only thing that you'd know about is the soccer ball, (which is being taken back to the store) and the huge pencils... which are just for fun... So they are supposedly going to be here like at 5. I'm PUMPED!!!! :D House is clean presents are wrapped, too bad the rain from this morning came back.. I'll tell the surprise of what the presents are after they open them.. :D The waiting part is super hard especially since I had the day off so I have been waiting home all day for them to come... But I heard that they might be here at 5 or a little there after, and it is currently 4:30, I'm so stocked man!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Markki, Mindy and I
I have only known them for little less than a month and they have become my best Utah friends. They are not only co-workers but really good friends. We have so much fun when we hang out... Especially last night and when we spent the night together. I feel like I can be 100% myself around them and I don't have to worry about them judging me. It has been so wonderful getting to know them. We have funny jokes like "I can smell my nose," "bubble, and a ton of other ones... I love you both... :D Having a job wouldn't be as fun if I didn't have wonderful co-workers who are such a blessing in my life. They have all become more like family members... I feel that I can talk to any of them about anything and they will be able to help me through whatever I am having trouble with.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Me just chilling after work...

My swollen sore bruised and fractured fingers. I hurt them at work the other day and am still not able to move them.

Me before Stake Conference this past Sunday... I sung during it... I love the dress that I wore to Stake Conference, I got it at the DI last week when I had to go in for class. I was excited to find out that a size that never used to fit, was the size that I wore to conference and that the dress fit well, and looked wonderful on me. :D


My photo
Layton, Utah, United States
My name is Shannon. I am currently 19 years old. I was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin, and moved to Layton, Utah a little over a month ago. I really like it here and have been able to meet and make friends with some really nice people. I never thought a month ago when I was given the opportunity to move that it would be something i'd love but Utah has been shown that it is amazing and that I could see myself living here the rest of my life. I will be attending Brigham Young University in Idaho this January and studying family and consumer sciences. I plan on graduating in 2015. I am a very unique person in the fact that I learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ from the missionaries and the neighbor I lived with next door to me in Wisconsin. I learned about the blessings of the sacred gospel and how it can bless lives. I got baptized and found that heavenly father after my baptism blessed me with numerous things including, moving to Utah, a job at the Deseret Industries and the fact that I was accepted into Brigham Young University.
