Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today is going to be one of the greatest Tuesdays that I've ever had. first off I have the day off of work. Yes I really do enjoy going to work and working with all of my fun co-workers but I am very excited that the Hatch Family is coming to Utah and that I will be able to get to see them. They are coming for Bro. Hatches brothers wedding but will be staying where I live for 2 nights, at least thats what I believe. It feels like forever since the last time that I have seen them. I used to live right next door to them in Wisconsin but I moved to Utah 6 weeks ago. So it has been a big adjustment to not see them everyday but I am excited to see them again... and I'm sure that they will be excited to see me to. Specially since I have presents for them... :D Shh!!! If you see this don't tell them because they haven't gotten here yet and so have no clue. I love the Hatch family they are such a blessing in my life.. There is not a day that I don't wake up and think about the things that they have done for me in my life.. It's so amazing how much one individual can bless your life. But either way the only thing that you'd know about is the soccer ball, (which is being taken back to the store) and the huge pencils... which are just for fun... So they are supposedly going to be here like at 5. I'm PUMPED!!!! :D House is clean presents are wrapped, too bad the rain from this morning came back.. I'll tell the surprise of what the presents are after they open them.. :D The waiting part is super hard especially since I had the day off so I have been waiting home all day for them to come... But I heard that they might be here at 5 or a little there after, and it is currently 4:30, I'm so stocked man!!!

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Layton, Utah, United States
My name is Shannon. I am currently 19 years old. I was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin, and moved to Layton, Utah a little over a month ago. I really like it here and have been able to meet and make friends with some really nice people. I never thought a month ago when I was given the opportunity to move that it would be something i'd love but Utah has been shown that it is amazing and that I could see myself living here the rest of my life. I will be attending Brigham Young University in Idaho this January and studying family and consumer sciences. I plan on graduating in 2015. I am a very unique person in the fact that I learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ from the missionaries and the neighbor I lived with next door to me in Wisconsin. I learned about the blessings of the sacred gospel and how it can bless lives. I got baptized and found that heavenly father after my baptism blessed me with numerous things including, moving to Utah, a job at the Deseret Industries and the fact that I was accepted into Brigham Young University.
