Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hatch Visit

Spencer and I
"This is my all time favorite picture,
none can compare to this amazing photo"
Spencer is one of the most amazing kids I've ever met.
It was fun seeing the Hatch Family 6 weeks after I moved to Utah, they came to Utah for a wedding and they spent 2 nights at my house. While they were here Caleb and Kevin got birthday presents from me (Caleb getting legos, a GIANT RED jewel, a lego book, a star wars guy and a couple other things while Kevin got a soccer ball and soccer socks. While they were here Caleb accidentally broke his leg... Here is hoping that his leg heals and recovers soon.. Kim got to meet my friend Markki, and I got to have one of my favorite talks with Kim... those ones that you cant have with your own mother but that you are so grateful that you can have with another grown-up that you respect. Kimberly- I've known from the moment that I met you that there was something wonderful about you. But I never knew that first day when I met you that you would change my life, my direction and the desires inside my heart. You have became the person in this world that I feel closest to (second to Heavenly Father). I am so grateful for the change that you've given to my life, and for the example of obidence and prayer you've shown to me. You've shown me that the power of the Holy Ghost is an amazing thing and the wonderful blessings that you receive once you begin to follow the promptings that are placed in front of you. I can't wait till that time in 4 years when I will be graduating from BYU-Idaho and you will hopefully be there in the audience watching me.

Justify Full

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Layton, Utah, United States
My name is Shannon. I am currently 19 years old. I was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin, and moved to Layton, Utah a little over a month ago. I really like it here and have been able to meet and make friends with some really nice people. I never thought a month ago when I was given the opportunity to move that it would be something i'd love but Utah has been shown that it is amazing and that I could see myself living here the rest of my life. I will be attending Brigham Young University in Idaho this January and studying family and consumer sciences. I plan on graduating in 2015. I am a very unique person in the fact that I learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ from the missionaries and the neighbor I lived with next door to me in Wisconsin. I learned about the blessings of the sacred gospel and how it can bless lives. I got baptized and found that heavenly father after my baptism blessed me with numerous things including, moving to Utah, a job at the Deseret Industries and the fact that I was accepted into Brigham Young University.
